Search results for "cortex-m4"

Agenda for training: Advanced debugging and tracing Arm Cortex in Italy

"Advanced debugging and tracing Arm Cortex Abstract In this course you will learn how to use advanced..." "debug features and commands of TRACE32® debug tools for ARM/Cortex™...." "You will also learn how to configure and use ARM/Cortex™ trace features for trace-based debugging, function..." "Relevant options for the most used commands Monitoring and profiling variables Variable logging ARM CORTEX..." "group trainings Contact Lauterbach Italy Send a Registration Inquiry Advanced debugging and tracing Arm Cortex..."

Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-M_Armv7M
uTrace for Cortex-M IN PRODUCT CATALOG
LA-4530 | Out of production

Supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port for Arm Cortex-M cores Bandwidth of 200 MBit/s per trace channel includes 256-MByte of trace RAM to support: - ITM via Serial Wire Output/TPIU - ETM Cortex-M continuous mode via TPIU (4-bit) Trace Streaming up to 100 MByte/s requires USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed) capable host computer Concurrent debugging of two or more Cortex-M cores requires a License for Multicore Debugging (LA-7960X)

Multicore Debugging & Tracing IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our debug and trace tools support both SMP systems (Symmetric Multiprocessing) and AMP systems (Asymmetric Multiprocessing).

"®-A78AE 4 x Arm® Cortex®-R52 Our tools can debug all cores concurrently...." "Arm® Cortex®-A72 4 x High- efficiency Application Cores Arm® Cortex®-A53 2 x Real-Time Cores Arm® Cortex..." "®-M4F 1 x System Control Unit Arm® Cortex®-M4F 1 x Audio Processor Cadence® Tensilica® HiFi 4 DSP Xtensa-LX7..." "x Device Management Cores Arm® Cortex®-R5F. 4 x Deep Learning Accelerator TI C7x DSPs. 2 x Security Management..." "Cores (SMS) Arm® Cortex®-M4...."

Tracing for ARM/Cortex IN SUPPORT & TRAINING

Agenda for our training Tracing for ARM/Cortex in Germany

"Tracing for ARM/Cortex Overview We will have a quick look on the fundamentals using TRACE32 to reach..." "debugging back in time) Cache Analysis REGISTRATION Request a Group Training Training Tracing of ARM/Cortex..."

MicroTrace for Cortex-M (PACK) IN PRODUCT CATALOG

All-In-One Debug and Trace Solution for Arm Cortex-M. Supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port for Arm Cortex-M cores and SecurCore SC000/SC300 Includes 256-MByte of trace RAM to support: - ITM via Serial Wire Output/TPIU - ETM Cortex-M continuous mode via TPIU (4-bit) Bandwidth of 400 MBit/s per trace channel. Trace Streaming up to 100 MByte/s requires USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed) capable host computer Concurrent debugging of two or more Cortex-M cores requires a License for Multicore Debugging MicroTrace (LA-7960N) Can not be upgraded to include support for other core architectures. Extend your MicroTrace with a Mixed-Signal Probe (LA-2500), to record and correlated digital and analog signals.

Package for uTrace for Cortex-M IN PRODUCT CATALOG
LA-4532 | Out of production

Supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port for Arm Cortex-M cores Bandwidth of 400 MBit/s per trace channel includes 256-MByte of trace RAM to support: - ITM via Serial Wire Output/TPIU - ETM Cortex-M continuous mode via TPIU (4-bit) Trace Streaming up to 100 MByte/s requires USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed) capable host computer Concurrent debugging of two or more Cortex-M cores requires a License for Multicore Debugging uTrace (LA-4534X)

µTrace® is a cost-effective, but powerful, all-in-one debug and trace solution for Arm® Cortex-M microcontrollers and for debugging 32-bit RISC V cores.

"set for Cortex-M microcontrollers implementing a compact trace port of up to 4 bits. µTrace® is also..." "This is 30 percent faster than competing trace products for Cortex-M-based embedded systems...." "number of Cortex-M and RV32 cores implemented in both single-core and multi-core microcontrollers and..." "(PACK) LA-3204 All-In-One Debug and Trace Solution for Arm Cortex-M...." "Supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port for Arm Cortex-M cores and SecurCore SC000..."

Debugger for Cortex-M (ARMv6/7/8 32-bit) IN PRODUCT CATALOG
LA-7844 | Out of production

Supports Arm Cortex-M cores trace support ETM Cortex-M via ETB included IDC20A debug cable supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port, (0.4 V - 5 V) includes software for Windows, Linux and MacOSX requires Power Debug Module cJTAG and SWD require Power Debug Interface USB 2.0/USB 3.0, Power Debug Ethernet, PowerTrace, Power Debug II or PowerDebug PRO

PowerDebug E40 IN PRODUCTS

PowerDebug E40 is a modern, high-performance, flexible debug tool that allows to seamlessly transition from one embedded target to another.

"This configuration is perfectly suited for architectures like Arm Cortex-A/R/M, RISC-V, ARC, Xtensa,..." "Products shown: PowerDebug E40 AUTO26 Debug Probe Galvanic Isolation Adapter (optional) Dual-Chip Arm Cortex-M..." "Tracing For your safety critical applications you may implement dual-chip configurations based on Arm Cortex-M..." "In this case you often want to trace the program flow of both Cortex-M cores concurrently...." "Supported Architectures* Over 150 microprocessor architectures Over 150 microprocessor architectures Arm Cortex-M..."