PowerTrace II Lite


Cost-Effective Parallel Trace Extension

Our cost-effective PowerTrace II Lite trace module is well suited for mid- and low-speed cores implementing parallel trace ports and lets you record system behavior in real-time without influencing the system operation. PowerTrace II Lite uses the PodBus Express port of your existing Power Debug X51 to expand your system capabilities. Migration to a new architecture involves minimal changes due to the modular design of our preprocessors.


Every Project Can Benefit from Real-Time Trace

Real-time trace dramatically widens the capabilities to debug and analyze your embedded system. Even projects with small and mid-performance SoCs and a small code base benefit from measuring the execution performance, analyzing race conditions, or proving code coverage. Despite its reduced trace bandwidth compared to PowerTrace III, PowerTrace II Lite comes with the full set of our world-renowned analysis features found in our most powerful trace modules.

Use Any Available Trace Protocol

Store data from multiple cores simultaneously in 1 GB of high-speed memory. With a maximum recording speed of 10 Gbit/s, your PowerTrace II Lite is suitable for many of today’s processor speeds.

Keep Up With Modern Multicore Devices

Store data from multiple cores simultaneously in 1 GB of high-speed memory. With a maximum recording speed of 10 Gbit/s, your PowerTrace II Lite is suitable for many of today’s processor speeds.

Great Value for Your Money

PowerTrace II Lite is a cost-effective solution for trace applications on all but the fastest high-end processors and where the usage of our Mixed-Signal Probe is not essential. Nevertheless, it provides our full set of analysis features.

Trace Ultra Long to Capture Everything

Capture extremely long-term trace recordings by streaming the trace data to your host PC for later analysis. An average streaming speed of 100 MB/s ensures a reliable transfer without data loss in many use cases. Higher momentary trace rates are possible and are handled reliably by the Power Trace II Lite’s internal high-speed memory.


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This product

lauterbach-powertrace-serial-2 lauterbach-powertrace-iii lauterbach-powertrace-II-lite lauterbach-combiprobe
Product PowerTrace Serial 2 PowerTrace III
PowerTrace II Lite CombiProbe 2  
Memory Size 4 GByte or 8 GByte 4 GByte or 8 GByte 1 GByte 512 MByte
Application High-performance serial trace High-performance parallel trace Parallel trace Debugging and system trace
Maximum Bandwidth 80.0 Gbit/s 19.2 Gbit/s 10.8 Gbit/s 3.2 Gbit/s
Streaming Performance1
(Peak / Average)
10 000 / 400 MByte/s 2 400 / 400 MByte/s 1 350 / 100 MByte/s 200 / 140 MByte/s
Parallel Trace2 N/A Up to 36 lines
600+ Mbit/s per line @ 17 lines
350 Mbit/s per line @ 36 line
Up to 36 lines
600+ Mbit/s per line @ 9 lines
450 Mbit/s per line @ 17 lines
225 Mbit/s per line @ 36 lines
Two ports with up to 4 lines each 400 Mbit/s per line
Serial Trace up to 8 lanes with 3
12.5 Gbit/s per lane @ 8 lanes
22.5 Gbit/s per lane @ 4 lanes7
PCIe Gen.2/3 x8, PCIe Gen.4 x48
up to 4 lanes3,4
6.25 Gbit/s per lane @ 3 lanes
5.00 Gbit/s per lane @ 4 lanes
up to 4 lanes3,4
6.25 Gbit/s per lane @2 lanes
4.50 Gbit/s per lane @3 lanes
3.38 Gbit/s per lane @ 4 lanes
Option for logic analyzer and energy profiling Via Mixed-Signal Probe Via Mixed-Signal Probe Not Available Via Mixed-Signal Probe
Required debug module PowerDebug X516 PowerDebug X516 PowerDebug X516 Any PowerDebug5
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The average streaming rate defines the amount of data which can be transferred on the fly to the PC per second. If the trace-port rate is below that streaming rate in average, a practically infinite recording time is possible. The peak-rate is possible temporarily and is compensated by the internal memory of the PowerTrace extension.

2 Requires Preprocessor. Pin- count and recording- speed depends on used preprocessor and trace protocol

3 Speed of the serial link is specified. The maximum speed for the transferred payload is usually smaller due to line encoding, e.g. 80% with 8b/10b encoding.

4 Requires serial preprocessor. For serial tracing, we recommend PowerTrace Serial.

5 CombiProbe 2 works with PowerDebug E50, X50, X51, E40, PRO, USB 3, II. Not supported are PowerDebug Ethernet, USB, or USB 2.

6 PowerTrace extensions work with PowerDebug X50, X51, PRO, II.

7 Requires Preprocessor

8 PCIe Gen.4 (16 Gbit/s) requires Preprocessor (available in Q2/2023).


Available PowerTrace II Lite Packages

PowerTrace II LITE 1GB

Cost effective Trace Recorder with 1 GigaByte trace memory and a streaming rate up to 100 MByte/s. Supports parallel trace for up to 36 signals via a suitable preprocessor with the following maximum recording speed: 600+ Mbit/s per signal for 9 signals, 450 Mbit/s per signal for 17 signals, 225 Mbit/s per signal for 36 signals. Supports serial trace for up to 4 lanes via a serial preprocessor with the following maximum recording speed: 6.25 Gbit/s per lane for 2 lanes, 4.50 Gbit/s per lane for 3 lanes, 3.38 Gbit/s per lane for 4 lanes. Requires a suitable trace preprocessor or Nexus Adapter. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II.

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Maximize Bandwidth with AutoFocus Technology

To connect your target’s trace port to the PowerTrace II Lite, you need a platform-specific trace probe, because trace ports come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on your use case, the trace probes for the PowerTrace II Lite are called Preprocessor or Nexus Adapter.

Our Preprocessor’s AutoFocus technology automatically adjusts the sampling point for each signal of your parallel trace port. This results in more reliable trace capture, with less concern about board routing, impedance, and length matching.

See Trace Probes  Know the AutoFocus technology

AutoFocus Technology  | Lauterbach

Configuration Examples for PowerTrace II Lite

Arm® Parallel Trace

To investigate the dynamic code execution on your Arm Cortex ® SoC, this configuration captures the parallel off-chip trace emitted from a CoreSight™ Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) via a 38-pin MICTOR connector.

Products included:

PowerPC Parallel Trace

Analyze the program flow with data accesses from SoCs of the MPC5xxx and SPC5xx microprocessor families, by connecting to a parallel Nexus auxiliary trace port.

Products included: