Family: TX03
Main Core: Cortex-M3

Find the Ideal Tool Configuration for TMPM390FWFG

Throughout our recommended debug and trace solutions, you can easily find and select the most suitable tool configuration for your chip. Whether you need to perform simple hardware debugging or more advanced tasks such as off-chip tracing, the following TRACE32 configurations will provide you with a good starting point.

Universal Debugger ready for PowerTrace
Hardware Lauterbach PowerDebug X50 with IDC20A debug probe
Software Includes PowerView software, debug license and 1 year maintenance
PC connection USB 3 and Gigabit Ethernet
Debug port 1 (IDC20A)
Debug clock 10 kHz to 100 MHz (depends on target)
Voltage range 0.4 V to 5.0 V
Multicore debugging Yes, for same and other architectures via optional licenses
On-chip trace Included for Cortex-M (if supported by chip)
Off-chip trace via optional PowerTrace or CombiProbe extension
Debugging via Calibration Tools (XCP)
Supported API Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP)
Content Includes PowerView software, front-end license, XCP backend-license, and 1 year maintenance
Licenses Options Trace decoder license