Search results for "bae"

Vendor: Cmsemicon Family: BAT32G
Vendor: Cmsemicon Family: BAT32G
TriCore Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

TriCore has become the de-facto processor for modern automotive systems. We offer a number of debug and trace solutions for all TriCore devices.

"Sections can be highlighted to indicate caching level...." "This data is generated non-intrusively by the TriCore device and can be sent to local (on-chip) trace..." "Excellent cross-tool support for both ORTI and ARTI standards ensures your trace data can be exported..." "More information about this can be found here...." "An example can be seen in the diagram below...."

Ensure Perfect Recordings for High-Speed Parallel Trace Ports.

"BENEFITS Be Successful Even with Complex Trace Scenarios – Today and Tomorrow Even though our AUTOFOCUS..." "Be Prepared for Any Trace Speed As clock frequencies continue to increase, so do the demands on trace..." "While conventional Trace Probes may not be able to compensate for these issues - even if they support..." "Both clock and data channels will be set up individually: For the clock channel, a threshold voltage..." "If this length is exceeded, the trace lines must be properly terminated to avoid or reduce the effects..."

More Products IN PRODUCTS

In this section you will find further products complementary to our debug and trace solutions, in particular logic analyzers and our full product catalog.

"Analyzer Extensions Our logic analyzers allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be..."

Vendor: BAE Systems Family: MPC750

SPT - Lauterbach TRACE32 Debugger and Trace Solutions

"users to feel right at home and assuring new users that the skills and knowledge they gain with SPT can be..." "You can be sure that, with our tools, you can extract all the information that your target provides...."


CLA - Lauterbach TRACE32 Debugger and Trace Solutions

"users to feel right at home and assuring new users that the skills and knowledge they gain with CLA can be..." "You can be sure that, with our tools, you can extract all the information that your target provides...."

Our PowerTrace II Lite trace module for mid- and low-speed cores lets you record system behavior in real-time without influencing the system operation.

"Even projects with small and mid-performance SoCs and a small code base benefit from measuring the execution..." "PowerDebug5 See more See more  See more  1 The average streaming rate defines the amount of data which can be..."

Vendor: Beyond Semiconductor d.o.o. Family: BA2