Search results for "cortex-a9"

We support silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a USB connection between target and host computer.

"via a on-chip communication infrastructure...." "The TRACE32® software implements two parts, a front end and a back end...." "debugging of identical cores and cores of different architectures OS-aware debugging including Linux..." "Xtensa Arm Cortex Intel Direct Connect Interface (DCI) DbC Intel DCI DbC allows to debug Intel x86-Platforms..." "debugging of identical cores and cores of different architectures OS-aware debugging including Linux..."

Our Instruction Set Simulator is the perfect complement to our debug tools. It provides the same look and feel as a real debugger connected to a real target.

"It is a built-in feature of our TRACE32 PowerView software and is freely available to all owners of a..." "Integrated in TRACE32 PowerView, it provides the same look and feel as a real debugger connected to a..." "TRACE32 Simulator API to write a Peripheral Simulation Model (PSM)...." "Tool qualification is typically required in the context of safety-related projects where it is beneficial..." "Simulators for the Following Architectures Architecture ISS ISS TQSK Test Suite 68HC12 78K ARC Arm® / Cortex..."

Tool Qualification IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our Tool Qualification Support Kit minimizes your Debug- and Trace-Tool Qualification Efforts and Costs in Safety-related embedded Projects

"we can offer you a solution based on our TQSK for that as well...." "This standard uses Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs A–D) to measure risk...." "Test Suite - Coverage Prequalified with the following chips / architectures: TI Hercules RM57Lx -Arm Cortex-R5NXP..." "MPC5777M - PowerPC MPC55xxInfineon Aurix TC297TF - TriCore TC27xST Microelectronics Stellar SR6P7G7 - Arm Cortex-R52NXP..." "After registering, you can download a personalized version of the TRACE32 TQSK...."

Our PowerTrace II Lite trace module for mid- and low-speed cores lets you record system behavior in real-time without influencing the system operation.

"Extension Our cost-effective PowerTrace II Lite trace module is well suited for mid- and low-speed cores..." "Use Any Available Trace Protocol Store data from multiple cores simultaneously in 1 GB of high-speed..." "lines600+ Mbit/s per line @ 17 lines350 Mbit/s per line @ 36 line Up to 36 lines 600+ Mbit/s per line @ 9..." "speed: 600+ Mbit/s per signal for 9 signals, 450 Mbit/s per signal for 17 signals, 225 Mbit/s per signal..." "Examples for PowerTrace II Lite Arm® Parallel Trace To investigate the dynamic code execution on your Arm Cortex..."

Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9
Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9
Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9
Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9
Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9
Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9