Search results for "cortex-a9"

Vendor: Renesas Electronics Corp. Family: RZ Subfamily: RZG3
Vendor: Renesas Electronics Corp. Family: RZ Subfamily: RZG3
Vendor: Renesas Electronics Corp. Family: RZ Subfamily: RZG3

Our logic analyzer extensions to debug and trace tools allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be correlated to the recorded program flow.

"With TRACE32, you can drive both tools from a single UI with cross-triggering and a common timestamp,..." "Using a familiar interface and tool suite reduces training time and makes you more productive, allowing..." "TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator or a third-party application...." "output via base module 8 trigger outputs 4 trigger outputs Pattern Generator Not Available Not Available 9..." "If you want to place a quotation request, please contact our sales teams in your location...."

Vendor: XILINX Family: Cortex-A_Armv7
Vendor: Socionext Inc. Family: Cortex-A_Armv7
Vendor: Intel Corporation Family: Cortex-A_Armv7
Vendor: Intel Corporation Family: Cortex-A_Armv7
Vendor: Intel Corporation Family: Cortex-A_Armv7
Vendor: Broadcom Corporation Family: Cortex-A_Armv7