Search results for "a20"

Vendor: STMicroelectronics Family: STA2xxx
Vendor: STMicroelectronics Family: STA2xxx
CAN Termination Resistor IN PRODUCT CATALOG

CAN termination (120 Ohm) with one female and one male D-Sub-9 connector connects all pins between both connectors with 120 Ohm resistor between line 2 and 7.

Vendor: Imagination Technologies Family: MIPS64
Vendor: Zhixin Semiconductor Family: Z20
Preprocessor for MPC880 and MPC885 TCON IN PRODUCT CATALOG
LA-7905 | Out of production

Trace Preprocessor for MPC880 and MPC885, connection to TCON320, 80 MHz bus clock

Debug License for C5500 DSP Add. IN PRODUCT CATALOG

Supports TMS320C55xx. Please add the base serial number of your existing debug cable to your order.

Debug License for C5400 DSP Add. IN PRODUCT CATALOG

Supports TMS320C54xx. Please add the base serial number of your existing debug cable to your order.

Vendor: Intel Corporation Family: Core
Vendor: Arm Family: Cortex-A_Armv9