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Benefit from having the same user experience, whether using it’s an emulation system or real target hardware that is under test; each scenario provides a system with consistent behavior.

Our logic analyzer extensions to debug and trace tools allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be correlated to the recorded program flow.

Intel Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

Analyze Intel® SoC designs with both the x86 and other Instruction Sets, from a single core Intel® Quark™ to multicore Core™ or Xeon™ application processors.


Using our tools you can debug any RISC-V core - along with all of the other cores - in any chip via a single debug interface, all at the same time.

RH850 Debug & Trace Solutions IN SUPPORTED PLATFORMS

From very low-power single-core chips up to high-performance multicore chips, your RH850 application can be improved using our Debug and Trace Tools.

PowerTrace supports you in bringing your embedded designs to market faster and more reliably than ever, while creating a safer and more stable product.

Our CombiProbe 2 is a compact debug and trace system that provides our full feature set to embedded systems with compact trace ports of up to 4 bits wide.

Multicore Debugging & Tracing IN FEATURES & USE CASES

Our debug and trace tools support both SMP systems (Symmetric Multiprocessing) and AMP systems (Asymmetric Multiprocessing).

We support silicon IP solutions that enable full debug and trace functionality without limitations by using a USB connection between target and host computer.

PowerDebug E40 IN PRODUCTS

PowerDebug E40 is a modern, high-performance, flexible debug tool that allows to seamlessly transition from one embedded target to another.