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In this section you will find our latest software packages, evaluation software and more than 1,500 predefined startup scripts for download.

The AUTO26 Debug Probe supports a wide range of processor architectures and automotive requirements which make it unique in the embedded industry.

Trace Probes IN PRODUCTS

Our trace probes support trace connectors, pinouts, and electrical needs for various architectures and SoCs. We have the right probe to connect your target's trace port smoothly to the PowerTrace module.

A variety of specialized debug probes dedicated to specific target platforms have in common that they ensure your best possible debugging experience.

Our PowerTrace II Lite trace module for mid- and low-speed cores lets you record system behavior in real-time without influencing the system operation.

Our CombiProbe 2 is a compact debug and trace system that provides our full feature set to embedded systems with compact trace ports of up to 4 bits wide.

PowerDebug X50 IN PRODUCTS

PowerDebug X50 is the most advanced debug tool created so far. Is the gateway to unlimited debug capabilities meeting your challenges today and in the future.

µTrace® is a cost-effective, but powerful, all-in-one debug and trace solution for Arm® Cortex-M microcontrollers and for debugging 32-bit RISC V cores.

The TRACE32® PowerView software is our central front end for all your debug and trace activities, no matter which hardware modules or software-only solutions and irrespective of which targets you use.

PowerTrace Serial trace modules cover all high-speed serial trace ports up to the highest lane count and fastest bit rate available in the embedded industry.