Product Catalogue

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7 products(s) found
Conv. Mictor38/JTAG20 to 60 Pin CTOOLS

Converter Mictor38/20 Pin JTAG (ARM and TI) to 60 Pin CTOOLS connector on target

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Conv. Mictor38 (NEXUS) to JTAG14 for MPC5xxx

Converter Mictor38 (NEXUS) connector to 14 Pin JTAG on target for MPC5xxx

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ARM Converter 2x ARM-20 to ARM-20

Converter to connect two ARM Debug Cable to one connector on the target. Old method to handle multicore debugging by using two debugger hardware modules.

Out of production
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Conv. 14 Pin JTAG to Mictor38 for MPC5xxx

Converter 14 Pin JTAG/OnCE connector to Mictor38 on target for Qorivva MPC5xxx and SPC5xxx

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Converter IDC20A to Mictor-38

Converter to connect the IDC20A Debug Cable to a Mictor connector on the target providing both debug and trace signals. This is needed if you want to connect the Debug Cable without a Preprocessor and if there is only a Mictor on the target. Former name: ARM Converter ARM-20 to Mictor-38

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Conv. 20 Pin JTAG con. swap to 60 Pin CTOOLS

Converter 20 Pin JTAG swap (ARM and TI) to 60 Pin CTOOLS connector on target (electrical same as LA-3728)

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Conv. 20 Pin JTAG to 60 Pin CTOOLS

Converter 20 Pin JTAG (ARM and TI) to 60 Pin CTOOLS connector on target (electrical same as LA-3729)

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