Preprocessor for ARM-ETM 200 flex cable


Preprocessor for ARM-ETM 200 flex cable

Product number: LA-7921
Out of production

Preprocessor for ARM/Cortex
Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM), Program Trace Macrocell (PTM),
200 MHz clock speed (200 Mbps), 4 x Trace-Depth, 0.9 to 3.6V.

Supports normal mode, 4 bit DeMux mode,
normal halfrate mode, Mux mode and 4 bit DeMux halfrate mode.

Support max. 16 bit trace port size.
3ns setup time, 1ns hold time needed.
ETMV3.x Continuous Mode only without idle-filter.

Requires PowerTrace II, PowerTrace PX or PowerTrace Ethernet.
Not supported by PowerTrace III.

Last TRACE32 release supporting this device is R.2023.02.

This product is discontinued and not available for purchase.
Superseded by LA-3308 Trace for Arm-ETM via AUTOFOCUS II (PACK) Superseded by LA-3311 Trace for Arm-ETM via AUTOFOCUS II MIPI(PACK)