Converter Mictor38 to 2.54 mm flying leads


Converter Mictor38 to 2.54 mm flying leads

Product number: LA-7646
New Product

Converter from a Mictor38 connector to
2.54 mm pin headers,
connecting all relevant signals of common trace ports.

The converter does not connect any debug pins.

Includes two whort cables for connecting 40 pin headers of the converter
to solder pads on your target board or to a target-specific connector.

This converter can be used to connect an AutoFocus-II preprocessor to
any evaluation board without a Mictor based trace port.
Please note that connecting trace signals with individual flying leads will
result in poor signal integrity and may not work even at low frequencies.
By adapting the supplied cables and ensuring that each signal has
a close GND return path, clock frequencies of 100MHz or higher
can be achieved.

This product can be ordered now.